Designers' Ten Commandments - 設計師的十戒
- Not to copy other's creative work, under no circumstances. (在任何情況下都不得抄襲別人的作品。)
- Not to rely completely on computer technology, it is a tool only and cannot substitute your creativity. Remember, you are a designer, not a computer graphic editor. (切勿過分依賴電腦,記住,你是設計師,不是電腦繪圖員。)
- Be a creator and not a fashion-follower because a trendy style today would become an out-dated one tomorrow. (當個創造者而非追隨流行的人,因為流行容易過時。)
- Trying ten design fields simultaneously but badly is worst than concentrating on one field and master it. (同時嘗試十個設計領域不如專精一種,並做到最好。)
- Be professional and not to release any art works that you don't like. (展現專業,不要發表自己不喜愛的作品。)
- Not to lower the quality in view of low business value of an art work. (不可因較彽的商業價值而放寬對設計品質的要求。)
- Not to criticize other's artwork merely on the ground of one's preferences nor just replicate comment from someone. (勿僅憑主觀批評他人作品,亦不可人云亦云。)
- Not to create artwork without any ground. Great works usually come from the understanding of the culture, history and philosophy. (勿閉門造車,偉大的作品通常源自於對文化、歷史與哲學的深厚了解。)
- Keep yourself modest to people, no matter you are just a novice or a master. (無論你的身分高低,永遠保持謙遜的態度。)
- Always believe that design can save your country and change the world. (永遠相信設計能拯救你的國家,並且改變世界。)